Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This week

So I am officially here for one more week yet it is going to be a brutal week. I am trying to knock things on my ‘to-do” list off one by one but it is going extremely slow. One of my top priorities is finishing my English paper. I am slightly disappointed that it ‘has’ to be 8-10 pages because I feel that I have proven my argument in seven pages. Always in high school when someone asked the teacher how long a paper should be, the teacher would always respond with “however long it takes you to prove your point”. There was hardly ever a ‘set’ number of pages that a paper had to be. My Physics professor once told us that many times you an write a more compelling argument in 500 words not fives pages. He said that often times you try to over prove your point and do not get to your point in a decisive manor. I would have to agree with this, if I was given a choice whether to read a fifty page book or a page article on a certain subject I will almost always go for the page article. They will get to the point in a more concise manor and will not ramble for pages and pages. I wish the University of Maryland would reconsider putting page restraints on papers in the English 101 program and teach us how to write great papers in however long it takes.

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