Thursday, September 18, 2008

Getting from place to place

I think that scooters and mopeds are great, they get great gas mileage and go wonders for the environment. That being said, I don’t think its necessary to have one on a college campus. It actually has quite the opposite roll when used on a college campus. I think that anyone on a motorized vehicle is actually too lazy to walk the relatively short distance to class. Even if it’s a “long” walk it would be reachable on bike which is a healthy fast way to get around this campus. I think that everyone should either walk or ride a bike, seriously, why do you need a moped to get from one class to another. I also hate dodging and weaving people riding on the sidewalks with the mopeds. Sidewalks are for…walking and nothing else. I even have a problem with bikes being on them. The university should create separate bike lanes so that I don’t have to end up dodging bikes either. I have a bad feeling that one of these days I wont get so lucky with dodging either a bike or a moped and it will be lights out for me. So if it was up to me I would ban mopeds or any type of motorized vehicle on the sidewalks and create separate bike lanes for those that chose to bike around campus.

1 comment:

Matt McArdle said...

I agree, even though they are great on gas mileage they aren't necessary when you could simply walk or ride a bike. They are good for people who live more than a couple miles away from campus though.