Tuesday, October 21, 2008

21 isn't cutting it

I am running out of this to write about so I thought I would write about the ridiculous drinking age in the United States. 21 is an absurd drinking age and the U.S. has the highest drinking age in the world. It amazes me that you can go off to war at the age of 18, and have the responsibility of holding weapons that take other peoples lives yet you cannot have a drink. You can fire a weapon and take other people’s lives as well as risk your own life at war, yet some young soldiers will never legally be able to have a drink. Another thing that you can do at the age of 16 is driving a car. We a trusted driving a two ton car that can induce mass damage yet we are not socially responsible enough to drink alcohol.
Equally as industrialized nations in Europe all have drinking ages of 16. Some of these nations include France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and Sweden. In my opinion by setting the drinking age so high in the United States it causes the opposite effect in that there is more under age binge drinking than any other nation in the world. If so many other nations have showed us that minors can be socially responsible with alcohol, why can’t Americans? Our government needs to lower the drinking age to atleast 18 and I truly believe that it will reduce binge drinking and fewer Americans will die of alcohol intoxication and learn how to be socially responsible with alcohol.

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