Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Officially Voted

I officially sent in my absentee ballot today and it feels so great that I am taking part in this historic election. I have wanted to vote for my entire life and especially in the last few years. The one thing for certain is that no matter who wins we will have a new president in around 5 months and we will be able to get our current idiot out of the white house. I have no clue how he got elected for not one but two terms. He has the lowest approval rating of any president in history and that is hard to come by because Nixon had a pretty dam low approval rating after Watergate. Bush had more than doubled our entire nations debt in only 8 years. Something that President Clinton took great measures to actually decrease.
I think I wanted to cry the other day when I watched him give a speech about the current bailout plan. Millions of people have lost their life savings in this crisis and he gets up there, leaning on the podium with that smirk on his face and give some bull speech about Americans need to wait for this bailout to hopefully work. We need a president that reinsures the people that the bailout will work not ‘hopefully will work’. I have hated Bush every since he stepped into the white house and will after he leaves.

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