Thursday, October 2, 2008


I was so disappointed with the Ravens on Monday Night Football. It seemed to me that we controlled that entire game offensively and defensively yet it one was stupid player that made us lose the game. Jared Johnson should be suspended for the rest of the season for what he did. Jared Johnson’s anger got a hold of him and he lashed out on a Pittsburgh player and cost the Ravens a 15 yard penalty which set up for the next play which was a 40 yard touchdown for Pittsburgh. Of course after that the mentality of the Ravens was wavering and on the next play Joe Flacco fumbled the ball and Pittsburgh ran it back for another touchdown. Two touchdowns in 15 seconds that most likely could have been avoided without the Jared Johnson 15 yard penalty. We would have easily won the game if not for Jared Johnson, which is why, I would take serious action against him.
If I were coach of the Ravens I would make sure the team knows that stupid penalties such as unnecessary roughness will not be tolerated. For every unnecessary roughness penalty I would fine the entire team fifteen thousand dollars and suspend the player for the next two games without pay. I would make sure that the player knows that he is hurting the entire team when he decides to lash out on the field and maybe that player will think twice before doing it again in the future.

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