Sunday, November 2, 2008

Electoral College

I really wish that I could have voted in a swing state of this upcoming election. Voting in Maryland is a give away to the Democrats. As one of my friends said the other day “even if Brad Pitt ran for the democratic office he would still win Maryland. It is very true that Maryland is an extremely blue state along with New York and California but I have to keep telling myself that my vote still does count even when I vote in Maryland. I sometimes wonder how different it would be if we used the popular vote and not the electoral college to determine our president. There have been a few times where the popular vote did not result in that president winning the presidency. That seems strange to me, that you can get the majority of the vote yet you do not win. This is prominent in the 2000 Bush Gore election. Gore won the popular vote yet because of a miscount in Florida the delegates voted for Bush and Bush won the presidency. I wonder what it would take to reform the system to go by the popular vote and not by the electoral college. Some say that it would push candidates to campaign in strictly cities with a high density of voters. I think that we need to push to get rid of the electoral college and implement the popular vote.

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