Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thanksgiving and Beyond

I cannot wait for Thanksgiving, not only to eat great food but to see my high school friends who I have not seen for four months. I am planning on throwing a thanksgiving party at my house for my friends. It will be great to catch up with them and will be a great preview for winter break. Winter break will be amazing, I just realized the other day that we have five weeks off. That is quite a jump from what I am used to. In high school we only had 2 weeks off for winter break. I was thinking that maybe I should take an online class during those five weeks and get a few credits under my belt. Tyler was telling me the other day how hard the online classes are which gave me second thoughts. I am not sure how well I would learn without having a physical teacher or professor in front of me. I have learned that I am an extremely visual learner and I am not sure how well I would do at listening to a lecture and not ‘seeing’ the lecture. I guess it is worth a shot. Either way I will probably take another class over the summer to get a few credits at the Towson University. I want to keep ahead of the credit curve so that my options are open come junior or senior year if I want to do a work project for the Business School.

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