Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Roomate and His Living Style

One of my roommates has not slept for 3 days straight and is extremely cranky! Well I would guess so, your body needs sleep. I think I have only pulled an all nighter once in my life and I was a wreck the next day. He says that he has all this work to do but I tend to disagree. He has work to do but he is always on Facebook. In between classes when he has an hour or two to get a load of work done he decides to get on Facebook and talk (I guess). He does this all the way up until a TV program comes on at night that he wants to watch, then he watches TV until the time when I go to sleep. When I wake up he is still in the same spot out in the common room and when I ask him why he didn’t sleep he says he had too much work even though I am starring at his laptop and he is on Facebook once again. I don’t think he even eats anymore; I have seen him eat food twice in the last week. When I woke up this morning he was out in the common room on the phone (with I guess) his mother who he was complaining to about how he has not slept in 3 days because of all this ‘work’. I didn’t say anything but I was thinking about how much of a lie that was. His living habits are extremely unhealthy but meh, its not my life, its his own and his own body that he is ruining.

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