Sunday, November 9, 2008

We Did It!

I will always remember where I was at eleven o’clock on November 4th when our country named its first black president. This is something that I never thought would have happened or certainly not for a long time. President Elect Obama came into our homes and won over the hearts of many Americans over the last two years and now he is the president elect of the United States of America. This is monumental for our country and now we can say to any child that he can truly do anything he desires in life. Barack Obama has inspired millions of people and shown us that no goal is out of reach. I cannot wait until January 20th when Obama is sworn into office and begins to fix the shit hole that the republicans have left us in. In my opinion he needs to first and foremost fix the economy and lower the unemployment numbers. Secondly he needs to end the war in Iraq responsibly. He has said he wants to take troops out of Iraq and send them to Afghanistan to eliminate the head of Al Quada, Osoma Bin Ladin. He is the head of this terrorist organization and I do not understand why we were not always fighting in Afghanistan, it makes no sense to me. Thirdly Obama needs to fix healthcare and implement some sort of universal insurance for everyone. Those should be his top priorities and he needs to take advantage of having control of congress on his side.

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