Monday, November 10, 2008

Winter Break

I was just thinking about our long winter break and I realized that I need something to do to keep myself occupied. I am thinking about going back to work. Last summer I worked for a construction company working with the crew was a memorable experience. But I hear working construction during the winter is brutal, you can’t wear gloves while using most of the tools and you end up eating lunch in a car with heat blasting. I have to say it was good money though and I would not mind making another 1500$ over winter break. I also have the option of going with my friend to Deep Creak Lake for a week or two over the break. He owns a house there and is planning on taking a large crew of people there. I can only imagine how messy that house will get with six 18 year old guys living there for a week. Would be a crazy place to have a party though, its right next to the lake and we could even throw a party out on his boat one night. That would be super fun but I might get tired of being around the guys after a week. Its still open for discussion but I know I need to find something to do over that 5 week period or else I will get terribly bored. Yet again it is a while away, I have Thanksgiving to look forward to even before I start to think about winter break and oh yeah a little thing called final exams in between that I need to focus on.

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